Let’s get real for a minute.

Men, I need to tell you something.  I do not want your dick pic…

[clickToTweet tweet=”Real talk, no woman anywhere wants an unsolicited dick pic. ” quote=”Real talk, no woman anywhere wants an unsolicited dick pic. “] Also real, 99% of women will never solicit one.  We aren’t into it.

Dicks are not attractive.

That doesn’t turn us on.  No woman has ever received one and thought, YES can we please have sex now.  Exception:  if it’s your dick, I.e. Your man, you may be somewhat tempted.  Let’s agree on somewhat. I received one I was actually into last year from my (now ex) husband.  I was at country music fest.  He was Home.  And it was a nice shot.  Turned me on and I liked it.  That is the only one I have ever looked at more than once and didn’t cringe.  And I’m 32, and recently single.  Also, due to a Craigslist posting by a crazy ex (well 4 postings) and online dating, I have received my FAIR share of dick pics recently.  So I would have to say I’m somewhat at expert level of dick pic viewing lately.  So I can promise you I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this matter.

We will judge you.

My girls and I critique them for attractiveness, length, girth, location and a number of other things. But let’s be clear here, no one wants to see that.  I legit got a pic with tampons in the background and baby toys on the counter next to the dick.  Like his wife and baby probably in the other room.  For real though.  It’s offensive.  No one, and I repeat, NO ONE wants to see that.

Men check yourselves.


Seriously.  Do you think women are at home thinking, man you know what this day is missing?  A mediocre, veinycock.  We aren’t.  I promise you.  We had a meeting and every woman in the world said no.  Close your camera.  Pull up your pants.  And maybe say something sweet.  Or ask us to dinner.  A cock on my phone, makes me want to throw up my dinner.  I does not in fact make me want to call you or have sex, or whatever you think is going to happen.  It’s not.  Or speaking for some women.  We may feel bad because he put it out there, so low self esteem aside, if we do respond it’s likely out of sheer awkwardness.  Or maybe because we actually do like you.  But ultimately, sending a pic like this is more likely to get you blocked then get you laid.


Final thoughts.

Take it from me, and all women in the world, we don’t want your dick pic.  We may barely want your dick.  So don’t send it… ever… unless we are married. And even then it’s debatable.  Don’t send it.  Please.  We are all begging you.   Especially before we have met in person.  It’s offensive.  And inappropriate.  Next time you cocked and loaded, dick in hand and phone out, just don’t.  Put it away and say something nice or thoughtful.  I promise you, this is the way to a girls heart.  Not a rancid photo we are afraid to open in public, delete immediately, at have to shower/gauge our eyes out for the next week.

From me to you dick pic sending douches,

Speaking on behalf of some women everywhere.  Don’t send us your dick pic.





Ladies, am I the only one this is happening too?  What’s the worst pic you’ve received?  And guys, what’s your thought process behind the unsolicited dick pic?

A friend of mine sent me this video and I enjoyed a good laugh.  We are not alone in our dick pic struggles ladies. Enjoy!!
